Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The X Factor

From Henry’s Desk

 The X Factor
I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
(Jn 10:10b AMP)

My wife Sandy and I almost didn’t get married because of a game of checkers. One of the first times I went over to see her, she wanted to play checkers (she also enjoyed watching Lawrence Welk when she was a teenager - go figure).  We played our first game, and not being a game type person, I really didn’t try too hard. I did not care if I won or lost and did just enough to get by and didn’t jump if I didn’t want to.  Well, she was not happy with that at all.  Actually she was quite irritated, and told me I was too passive.

We then proceeded to play two more games at a much higher level of intensity.  I didn’t like being called passive (laid back would have sounded better to me), and I played very aggressively.  When I went home, I did not ever plan on seeing her again, feeling very offended at having been called passive.  Of course, I did see her again and we did eventually marry.

I was thinking about living the other day, specifically about living passively verses living passionately.  To live passively is to be content to just get by, to never jump, to always hold back emotionally, physically and verbally.  You never rock the boat, you just drift along, no surprises, no chances, no enthusiasm and nothing extreme by any means.

Living passionately, on the other hand,  means putting yourself out there.  Passionate living requires involvement.  It is robust with energy, emotion, action and verbal outbursts!  It will make you take chances, jump and do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do.  It is life on the edge, extreme living, abundant living, life lived to its fullness, full of enthusiasm,  nothing held back!

So, do you think Jesus was saying, “I have come that they might just get by”, or “I have come that they might experience and enjoy life lived to its fullness, abundant, action packed, and eXtremely satisfying.”

I think Jesus wants us to jump into the life He has for us with both feet and gobble it up for His glory!

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