Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Perspective

From Henry’s Desk

“ … with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength …”

Another Perspective

I once read the following in a book: (It was in 2001 and I do not remember the title)

There are three types of Christians: thinkers, feelers, and doers.  And we have denominations custom made for each.

Ÿ  The thinkers want the feelers to get logical.

Ÿ  The feelers want the thinkers to lighten up and smell the roses.

Ÿ  The doers want both types to get in gear and start evangelizing. 

My response was ‘that is correct‘.  I had never thought of it that way before, but it certainly lines up with what I have seen.  Of course this goes not so much to a persons spirituality as to their basic psychological make up, which influences their spirituality.

By now you have already thought of folks you know in one category or another, and even have placed yourself in one.  With a little thinking you will probably start to see that you have become a combination of a couple of them.

I came into the Kingdom as a thinker, became a doer, and am now wanting to be a feeler.

I don’t think we are really supposed to be one or the other, but should transition into all three.  As a matter of fact I believe that is what God wants.

God did not say, “Love Me with all your mind or love me with all your soul or love me with all your strength.”  He said, “Love me passionately with all your mind all your soul and all your strength.”  Now we all have giftings and inclinations that cause us to be more motivated towards one or another of these, but the fact remains that God wants us to love Him with everything that we are, our whole being.  And we need people around us that are geared differently than we are in order to influence us in those areas we are not inclined towards.

Left to ourselves, we would only hang out with those who are like us, and would form our own little groups like Trinity Theological Temple, Mystic Missions, or The Savior’s Servants.  I believe that God would have us together, influencing one another, and the world, for Christ.  If we would learn from one another, we would have a much more balanced life.

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