Friday, May 11, 2007


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Cor 5:17)

I was getting ready to shower my son Zach the other night. I took my foot and moved his toy caterpillar from the middle of the doorway so nobody would step on it. As I turned around and stepped towards the shower, he said “Butterfly.” Zach, who has Down Syndrome, knows things I didn’t know he knew, and is able to make connections I didn’t know he could make.

He was looking at the toy caterpillar, and making the connection with real life. He had the understanding that a real caterpillar turns into a butterfly. I was amazed and delighted.

Zachariah saw what was coming as opposed to what was. He saw the future reality represented by the toy caterpillar. His assessment of it was based upon its future, not its present. He was looking past present reality to the beauty yet to come. He was able to look with eyes that see what is coming, in spite of what is existing.

I think we could all use eyes that see potential and possibilities, what is coming instead of what is, or has been. We need to look at others with eyes unclouded by their past or present. Our eyes need be opened to see them coming into their future, so that we might do our part in helping them reach their potential in Christ. May we begin see beyond present reality into destiny.