Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Ultimate Rescuer

“who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father“  (Gal 1:4, NIV) (emphasis mine)

I love the theme of rescue woven into scripture. When I came into God’s family, it wasn’t some polite little ceremony. I had been taken captive by the devil to do his bidding. I was a wretched mess and I had to be rescued.  Jesus came riding in on a white stallion! His eyes were blazing like fire and on His head were many crowns! He was dressed in a blood dipped robe and a sharp sword came out of His mouth! There were thunderings and lightnings, demons were shouting and screaming and there was blood everywhere! Then there was sudden silence as the Blood covered me. I was no longer sitting in the cave of sulphur and fire, but had in an instant been snatched from its miry clay, and set upon a Rock.

There is a passage in the Old Testament Book of Exodus that I really like.  It is found in Chapter 3, verses 7-8 as follows:

The LORD said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from … “  (Emphasis mine)

In these scriptures the Lord is saying:

Ÿ  I see
Ÿ  I hear
Ÿ  I care

Ÿ  I rescue

How I needed to hear that message! To know that God could see me, and hear me, and He cared about me and was ABLE and WILLING to do something about my predicament. And how many there are today who desperately need to hear it also. My friends, our God is a warrior, He is strong and mighty, and able to rescue to the end those who are called according to His purpose. Let us not hold back in sharing the gospel freedom. As we have opportunity to share, let's do so for it is the power of God unto salvation.  Our God is the ultimate RESCUER!
If today you find yourself bound by something, call upon our God. He sees what you are going through, He hears your cries, He cares about what is happening to you, and He has come to rescue you from ___________.
(You fill in the blank.)

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