For those who are not tracking with me yet, this is not about a test that is stupid, though this test may seem so to you. This is a test to determine if you are stupid or not. First of all stupidity has nothing to do with intelligence. It has more to do with attached value and our adherence to it. It is not what we know or don’t know, it is more about what we do or don’t do.
we need someone who is trust worthy to design the test and grade the results. I believe God is more than qualified to do
this and He already has a document which we can use as a standard to measure
ourselves by.
this point you are probably thinking, “Of course, the Bible and it is stupid to
not do what it says.” Track with me a
little farther. The Bible actually says
that a man is foolish to not adhere to the Word of God, that he deceives
flies in the face of wisdom. It knows
the difference between right and wrong but deliberately chooses the wrong. Stupidity is not the result of a the lack of
knowledge, but rather is entered into in spite of knowledge. Stupidity is knowing the
wise thing, yet deliberately choosing the foolish thing.
for The Stupid Test. Proverbs 12:1 says:
Whoever loves discipline loves
knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.
did you do? How do you respond to
correction? What is your reaction when
you are corrected or confronted about a deficiency in your life? The benefit of receiving discipline verses
the price of hating correction can clearly be seen in Proverbs 13:18 which
He who ignores discipline
comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.
I don’t always pass The Stupid Test. How about you?