Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rabbits & Hotdogs

My first hero was a rabbit, and not just any rabbit, he was Crusader Rabbit. He rode a horse, wore a suit of armor, and went on crusades against bad guys and injustice. He had his own TV show on our local channel and on your birthday you had a chance to be on the show.

One day my turn came...I was on the show with a few other kids, They served each of us a single portion carton of milk and a Tarnow hot dog. We sat at a long desk and the host of the show talked to us on the air for a few moments.

I don't remember the contents of the episode of Crusader Rabbit we watched that day, as a matter of fact, I don't remember any of the episodes. But I do remember that hotdog! It was really good.

When I think of Crusader Rabbit, I think of hot dogs. I didn't want to be like him, I did not even want to go on crusades with him, but I would have gladly eaten hot dogs with him at a moments notice.

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