Monday, May 6, 2013

Constrained By Love

From Henry’s Desk

“ … the love of Christ constraineth us … “
(2 Cor 5:14)



Have you ever been arrested?  Now, I don’t mean by the police, though some of us have probably had just cause in our lives.  I mean have you ever been arrested by the Word of God?  Stopped cold in your tracks, confronted by truth, and unable to continue?  Stopped from going in one direction, and carried in another?

One of the meanings of “constraineth” in the above verse is “to hold together with constraint”.  Being one who has played close to the line that defines sanity, and then being known to stray a bit, one of my first thoughts upon hearing this meaning is ‘straightjacket”.  Now a straight jacket will not only keep you from doing what you want to do, it enables others to take you in a direction they want you to go.  (OK smarty, I know this from the movies, not personal experience!)

I remember one time this verse played out very dramatically in my life.  I was at a church service, and the person leading worship, was a bit “gothic” in appearance and the music style was a little hard for my taste.  I, of course, started going into my “judgment” mode.  Right in the middle of it all, God broke in, and filled my heart with such love for this person that I could no longer think badly of them, judge them, or even comment about them to others, except in the context of me confessing my own sin.

Christ’s love put me in a straightjacket,  prevented me from continuing on my present course, and carried me along in an entirely different direction.

God’s love will constrain us, will stop us, will pressure us, will hold us back, will prevent us, and then will carry us along in an entirely different direction, one that is pleasing to Him.

May we all be arrested by the Holy Spirit, confronted with the Word of God, constrained by the love of Christ, and carried along by the Father into a life that brings Him honor and glory.


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