Saturday, October 11, 2008


(From a letter by Jeanne Guyon)

All the graces that are produced in a Christian grow out of the death of self. Bear patiently the trials and sufferings which retard this overflowing life. When you suffer with much confusion and uncertainty, the suffering is even harder to bear.

Unlimited patience is necessary to bear not only with yourself, but with others whose personalities and moods are not compatible with your own. Offenses will happen while we live in the flesh. Bear these offenses in silence and submit them to the Spirit of Grace. Because you are human, you are still affected by your environment.

As you seek to honor the true cross (the affliction that God allows for us), remember that all the disagreeable situations that fall in your daily path are part of that true acceptance of the cross. Do not insult the work of the cross in your life by complaining about your problems. Welcome trials, for they teach you what you are and leave you to renounce yourself and yourself is, of all possessions, the most dangerous.

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