Thursday, September 4, 2008


He stores up success for honest people. (Prov 2:7 NIrV)

We were having devotions with our children the other evening and my wife was reading Proverbs 2 aloud from my daughter’s Bible. I was taken by the first part of verse 7 and what it stirred in me.

Now, we know that Proverbs is about wisdom, and not just wisdom, but godly wisdom. What stirred in me was that it is wise to be honest, to be a person of integrity. The fruit of that honesty will be success which God has a whole supply of stored up and ready to be released by the drawing of that honesty.

We must be honest with ourselves, honest with God, and honest with others. The degree of our honesty will determine the richness of our success. But let’s not deceive ourselves into thinking that honesty here is just admitting what is true. The honesty we are talking about here is the living out of the Truth, the integrity of righteous living, the lived out passion for justice blended with the compassion of mercy - and all of these defined by God.

Yes, this will bring success in life. It is the secret to successful living, the wisdom whose fruit is success.

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