Saturday, December 5, 2009

Despised And Disdained

For He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. (Ps 22:24)

Have you ever pretended to not notice someone in the midst of their plight ... their afflection? It may have been someone needing food or clothing or a ride or help in getting themselves straightened out or help for a loved one. They may have been lost, or fallen, or attacked or captured by addiction. It could have been someone overwhelmed by life or an urgent need. Me too.

God is not like that. He doesn't turn a blind eye or a deaf ear. He doesn't ignore or pretend to be unaware. He doesn't hid his face but listens for an invitation to help. As it is said in Exodus 3, God sees, hears, cares, and responds.

Man may desert us or ignore us, but not God. He is ever listening for the cry that welcomes Him and his activity in our lives.